2025 Georgia
Georgia mission Trip: June 23-july 3, 2025*
*dates subject to change for best airfare.
This trip is open to all ACTIVE youth and adult members of Rock Spring Baptist Church. Active youth or adult members from a sister church may also be accepted on the team. Youth members who are 14 or younger (by June 2025) will need at least one parent on the trip with them. No one will be officially on the team or receive money from fundraisers until the application and the $100 deposit are both turned in. The deadline to turn in the application and $100 is February 16, 2025.
All participants should be born again, baptized believers who are serious about their relationship with Jesus Christ. This should be evident in their lifestyle and in their attendance in worship and in an age appropriate small group (at minimum 2/3 attendance). Those who join the team from sister churches will need to provide contact information from their pastor so that their information can be verified. All applicants will be screened by the ministerial staff before being allowed on the mission team.
Adult members will be required to complete a background check and ALL team members must present an up-to-date passport to the staff by the end of February in order to remain on the team.
Each team member will also be required to take part in a pre-trip Bible study during the spring and the entire mission team will participate in a local mission project before going on the trip.
All participants should be born again, baptized believers who are serious about their relationship with Jesus Christ. This should be evident in their lifestyle and in their attendance in worship and in an age appropriate small group (at minimum 2/3 attendance). Those who join the team from sister churches will need to provide contact information from their pastor so that their information can be verified. All applicants will be screened by the ministerial staff before being allowed on the mission team.
Adult members will be required to complete a background check and ALL team members must present an up-to-date passport to the staff by the end of February in order to remain on the team.
Each team member will also be required to take part in a pre-trip Bible study during the spring and the entire mission team will participate in a local mission project before going on the trip.