She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
The women of Rock Spring Baptist Church minister to each other and reach out to minister to other women. Women are encouraged to study the Word of God and apply it to their every day lives.

"When Life Gives You Lemons ... But God ... Gives You Grace"
RSBC Women's Spring Conference 2025*

About Sarah Knott: Sarah is a native of North Carolina and has spent most of her life in the Wilson, Raleigh, & Durham areas. She is a wife, mother to 6 children (4 of whom are a quadruplet set!), a grandmother to 8, and a former elementary school teacher. Sarah loves God's word and has had the privilege of teaching God's word with Bible Study Fellowship and Saltshakers Ladies' Bible Study for over 40 years! When she isn't spending time with her husband and family, or teaching God's word, Sarah can be found enjoying reading, golf, needlepoint, gardening, cooking, and painting. She is very excited to lead us for our conference this year.
We are beyond excited to announce the return of our annual women's conference! This year, bible teacher, Sarah Knott, will lead us as we discuss "When life gives you lemons...BUT you grace." This amazing event is for ALL women and will be on March 15th from 9-3pm in the fellowship hall.
As in the past, we will serve a light breakfast with coffee and a full lunch. There are a limited number of tickets available. Tickets will open to RSBC ladies exclusively starting this Sunday (1/12) and will open to the general public on January 26th.
Event cost is $25 per person and will include meals and conference supplies. If paying with cash or check, please submit payment ASAP after registering online (click below). (Payments may be mailed in or dropped off at the church office). We can't wait to see you there!