Building & Grounds Team
Job description

The buildings and grounds committee are responsible for the general upkeep and oversight of the church property and supervision of the church custodian. The committee should arrange for yearly church clean-up days in which church volunteers assist with special projects.

Ministry Area/Department: Church Committees
Position: Buildings and grounds team
Accountable To: Deacons
Ministry Target: Church in general
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: New, growing Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Serving * Administration
Talents or Abilities Desired: General construction * Building maintenance * Lawn-care skills * Ability to supervise others
Best Personality Traits: Dependable * Hardworking * Initiative to get things done without direct supervision  
Passion For: Good stewardship of the facilities God has given the church * Presenting a positive physical appearance of the church in the community

1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: one to two hours a month
b.Participating in meetings:  one hour a month

a.General oversight of buildings and grounds maintenance; ensuring safe, clean and proper order of the facilities.
Keep a record of regular maintenance done on buildings/grounds and a list of projects to do.
b.Arrange for hiring repair services, etc. when needed.
c.Oversee lawn maintenance and arrange snow/ice/debris removal from parking areas, sidewalks, steps, etc.
d.Oversee custodian. Ensure that building is kept clean.
e.Ensure that church vehicles are maintained.
f.Oversee budget and expenditures for buildings and grounds.