Children's Worker/Teacher
job description

The children’s teacher is the shepherd of the class and is responsible to keep watch over the flock and oversee and coordinate all class leaders and functions. The teacher is expected to teach, reach and minister to members and prospects, with the help of other leaders within the class.

Ministry Area/Department: Sunday School Ministries & Ministry Groups
Position: Children’s worker/teacher
Accountable To: Children's Minister
Ministry Target: Children (ages preschool to grade 6)
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: Stable, maturing Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding * Teaching * Exhortation
Talents or Abilities Desired: Ability to communicate well with children * No criminal record
Best Personality Traits: Leader * Dependable * Compassionate
Passion For: Nurturing a group of children * Teaching and leading children to Jesus

1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: two to three hours a week
b.Participating in meetings/training: one hour a month

a.Participate in teacher’s meetings and training opportunities.
b.Work with the Associate Pastor to choose curriculum for your class.
c.Study and prepare for each weekly lesson. Gather necessary materials: handouts, craft supplies, etc.
d.Pray for class members/visitors.
e.Arrive 15 minutes before class begins to make sure classroom is prepared and to greet children as they arrive.
f.Lead each week’s class time and involve children in studying and learning God’s Word through various teaching methods and activities.
g.Promote spiritual growth and unity among class members.
h.Maintain contact with children and parents. Keep parents informed of topics/themes being studied, special events, etc. through printed notices,
postcards and calls. Call, visit or send cards to students on special occasions or when a student is sick.