Insurance Advisor
Job Description

The insurance advisor will review and oversee insurance coverage for the church and related ministries. This person will make sure the church is protected against all insurable hazards.

Ministry Area/Department: Church Committees
Position: Insurance advisor
Accountable To: Deacons & Finance Committee
Ministry Target: Church in general
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: New, growing Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Administration * Serving
Talents or Abilities Desired: Experience or knowledge in insurance field preferred * Ability to research and compare benefits and costs of various policies
Best Personality Traits: Dependable * Serious
Passion For: Protecting the church members and the church—and preparing for the unexpected

1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: four hours, semiannually
b.Participating in meetings/training: as needed

a.Review church insurance policies and needs; update when necessary.
b.Compare various policies, coverage, prices among different companies; shop for best policy, best price and most dependable insurer.
c.Examine insurance needs of church: health, property, casualty, various liabilities, etc.