Nursery Coordinator
Job Description
Including Assistant Nursery Director
The nursery coordinator will oversee and coordinate the nursery ministry on Sunday mornings as well as other occasions when the nursery is in use.
Ministry Area/Department: Sunday School Ministries
Position: Nursery coordinator
Accountable To: Pastor
Ministry Target: Babies and their parents
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: Mature, growing Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Administration * Serving * Pastor/shepherd
Talents or Abilities Desired: Organized * Loves babies and children * No criminal record
Best Personality Traits: Cheerful * Kind * Dependable-leader
Passion For: Protecting, caring for and showing love of Christ to young ones * Offering a safe environment where parents are comfortable leaving their little ones
1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: Five hours per week
a.Recruit and train volunteers to serve in the nursery.
b.Organize the nursery and ensure its cleanliness and safety.
c.Develop, post and enforce nursery policies.
d.Routinely inspect nursery equipment, toys and supplies:
e.Report repair and maintenance needs to appropriate personnel.
f.Restock supplies when needed.
g.Obtain and keep a library of picture books and music for use in the nursery.
h.Keep a current list of nursery caregivers with names/addresses/phone numbers.
i.Schedule nursery caregivers for every service and special church wide events in which nursery care is needed. Make sure that caregivers are
NOT from the same family.
j.Make sure that volunteers show up for the services. Find substitutes if needed.
k.Collect and launder used crib sheets weekly.
l.Clean/disinfect dirty toys as necessary.
m.Oversee budget and expenditures for the nursery ministry.
a.Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your tour of duty. Parents need time to get to their classes, worship, or prepare for the ministry in
which they have volunteered.
b.Limit use of cell phones/electronic devices to emergencies only. All attention should be paid to the babies/toddlers in order to provide the
safest environment possible.
c.The dry erase board is a good tool to record (or have parents record) pager numbers, requests as to specific care instructions, allergies, feeding
times, nap times, applying diaper rash medication, trying to potty train, dirty diaper change, snacks which can be given, etc. This will allow
workers who are rotating in to be aware of the parent’s/guardian’s requests.
d.Snacks such as animal crackers, goldfish, toddler cookies, etc. will be available in the room. Please make sure you have parental/guardian
consent before allowing children to have these! There should be a personal care sheet for each child in a folder in the room that can verify
whether or not the child is allowed to have snacks.
e.During Sunday School, please fill out the attendance record and turn it in to the church office. If you cannot leave during Sunday School to
take this to the office, ask someone from another class to take it when they take theirs.
f.Important!! During the Sunday morning worship service, use the Worship Attendance Record sheet to write the names of those volunteering,
as well as the children to whom care was given. Reasons this is so important:
i.A count is routinely taken for attendance during Sunday School, but not during worship. This will provide an appropriate count for worship attendance;
ii.It will help the Nursery Coordinator avoid scheduling workers too close together, in the event a replacement or switch was made.
iii.It is a good outreach tool in the event children are new to our church or have missed several Sundays.
g.Plastic bags are available to tie up soiled diapers before placing in the trash. Please double bag the dirty diapers. Plastic gloves (located in the
cabinet drawer) are available for those desiring to use them when changing diapers.
h.Try to have child’s belongings gathered before the parent returns to allow for a smooth transition at pick-up.
i.Make sure to give a clean, dry child back to the parents. Final diaper/pull-up check should be about 10-15 minutes before parents are expected.
All volunteers need to be consistent in maintaining clean, dry children.
j.Communicate! When the parent/guardian returns for pickup, please let them know details about the care of their child (i.e. diaper was changed,
time child was fed, how long they slept, snacks/juice were given, behavior, etc.). The dry erase board is a good tool for keeping up with these details.
k.And finally, ENJOY the children! Hold them, rock them, play in the floor with them, read and sing to them … This is their time to be loved and
to learn about Jesus!
Ministry Area/Department: Sunday School Ministries
Position: Nursery coordinator
Accountable To: Pastor
Ministry Target: Babies and their parents
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: Mature, growing Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Administration * Serving * Pastor/shepherd
Talents or Abilities Desired: Organized * Loves babies and children * No criminal record
Best Personality Traits: Cheerful * Kind * Dependable-leader
Passion For: Protecting, caring for and showing love of Christ to young ones * Offering a safe environment where parents are comfortable leaving their little ones
1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: Five hours per week
a.Recruit and train volunteers to serve in the nursery.
b.Organize the nursery and ensure its cleanliness and safety.
c.Develop, post and enforce nursery policies.
d.Routinely inspect nursery equipment, toys and supplies:
e.Report repair and maintenance needs to appropriate personnel.
f.Restock supplies when needed.
g.Obtain and keep a library of picture books and music for use in the nursery.
h.Keep a current list of nursery caregivers with names/addresses/phone numbers.
i.Schedule nursery caregivers for every service and special church wide events in which nursery care is needed. Make sure that caregivers are
NOT from the same family.
j.Make sure that volunteers show up for the services. Find substitutes if needed.
k.Collect and launder used crib sheets weekly.
l.Clean/disinfect dirty toys as necessary.
m.Oversee budget and expenditures for the nursery ministry.
a.Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your tour of duty. Parents need time to get to their classes, worship, or prepare for the ministry in
which they have volunteered.
b.Limit use of cell phones/electronic devices to emergencies only. All attention should be paid to the babies/toddlers in order to provide the
safest environment possible.
c.The dry erase board is a good tool to record (or have parents record) pager numbers, requests as to specific care instructions, allergies, feeding
times, nap times, applying diaper rash medication, trying to potty train, dirty diaper change, snacks which can be given, etc. This will allow
workers who are rotating in to be aware of the parent’s/guardian’s requests.
d.Snacks such as animal crackers, goldfish, toddler cookies, etc. will be available in the room. Please make sure you have parental/guardian
consent before allowing children to have these! There should be a personal care sheet for each child in a folder in the room that can verify
whether or not the child is allowed to have snacks.
e.During Sunday School, please fill out the attendance record and turn it in to the church office. If you cannot leave during Sunday School to
take this to the office, ask someone from another class to take it when they take theirs.
f.Important!! During the Sunday morning worship service, use the Worship Attendance Record sheet to write the names of those volunteering,
as well as the children to whom care was given. Reasons this is so important:
i.A count is routinely taken for attendance during Sunday School, but not during worship. This will provide an appropriate count for worship attendance;
ii.It will help the Nursery Coordinator avoid scheduling workers too close together, in the event a replacement or switch was made.
iii.It is a good outreach tool in the event children are new to our church or have missed several Sundays.
g.Plastic bags are available to tie up soiled diapers before placing in the trash. Please double bag the dirty diapers. Plastic gloves (located in the
cabinet drawer) are available for those desiring to use them when changing diapers.
h.Try to have child’s belongings gathered before the parent returns to allow for a smooth transition at pick-up.
i.Make sure to give a clean, dry child back to the parents. Final diaper/pull-up check should be about 10-15 minutes before parents are expected.
All volunteers need to be consistent in maintaining clean, dry children.
j.Communicate! When the parent/guardian returns for pickup, please let them know details about the care of their child (i.e. diaper was changed,
time child was fed, how long they slept, snacks/juice were given, behavior, etc.). The dry erase board is a good tool for keeping up with these details.
k.And finally, ENJOY the children! Hold them, rock them, play in the floor with them, read and sing to them … This is their time to be loved and
to learn about Jesus!