sunday School Secretary
Job Description
Including Assistant Sunday School Secretaries
The Sunday School Secretary is responsible for all the below description and coordinating the team. The Assistant Sunday School Secretaries are responsible for accurately counting the money received in tithes and offerings immediately following collection of the tithes and offerings.
Ministry Area/Department - Stewardship
Position - Offering counter
Accountable To - Sunday School Secretary
Ministry Target - Church in general
Minimum Maturity Level - New, growing Christian
Spiritual Gifts - Administration • Giving
Talents or Abilities Desired - Accurate counting/math skills
Best Personality Traits - Honest • Trustworthy • Dependable-analyst
Passion For - Good stewardship
Length of Service Commitment - One year minimum
Anticipated Time Commitments
1. Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: one hour a week
2. Participating in meetings/training: one hour initially or as needed
1. Work with at least one other offering counter to carefully count and total offerings after each collection.
2. Write down offering figures for the treasurer and/or financial secretary.
3. Give offerings and offering envelopes to the church secretary.
Ministry Area/Department - Stewardship
Position - Offering counter
Accountable To - Sunday School Secretary
Ministry Target - Church in general
Minimum Maturity Level - New, growing Christian
Spiritual Gifts - Administration • Giving
Talents or Abilities Desired - Accurate counting/math skills
Best Personality Traits - Honest • Trustworthy • Dependable-analyst
Passion For - Good stewardship
Length of Service Commitment - One year minimum
Anticipated Time Commitments
1. Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: one hour a week
2. Participating in meetings/training: one hour initially or as needed
1. Work with at least one other offering counter to carefully count and total offerings after each collection.
2. Write down offering figures for the treasurer and/or financial secretary.
3. Give offerings and offering envelopes to the church secretary.