VBS Volunteer Signup

2025 VBS Volunteer Signup Form

Wonder Junction - 2025 RSBC VBS
Volunteer Signup
JULY 12, 2025 – KICKOFF – 9 to noon
JULY 13- 17, 2025  6:30-8:30
JULY 18, 2025 – COMMENCEMENT – Eat at 6:00 Service at 7:00

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for one of our most effective outreach events of the year. Each year we hold a week-long Vacation Bible School (VBS). This year we are studying the life of Jesus in a VBS named "Wonder Junction".

Sign up for where you like to serve the most and the position you would like to serve in. We would like for you to be available for the kickoff and help at commencement. Teachers will be required to decorate their rooms.

Preschool 2 & 3 year olds
Preschool 4 & 5 year olds
1st and 2nd grade
3rd & 4th grade
5th and 6th grade

Lead Teachers -  prepare Bible lessons and teach lessons
Crafts Teacher - gather materials for crafts and teach craft. You will also work with lead teacher.
Science Teacher - gather materials and do the science experiments for your age level. You will work with teachers

You can choose any role you are interested in filling (you can choose more than one). We will try to place you as we can. Understand that you may not always get a role you signed up for. Also, you may be asked to serve in a role where we have a need.

We also need some support volunteers. We need  your availability  to help with our kickoff and commencement night. You will need to plan to be on campus the entire time VBS is being held. Please do not sign up to be a teacher (above) and for one of the support roles (below).

Greeters - will check children in and help dismiss. They will also do other things while children are in class.
Worship Team - will do songs and skits during worship rallies.  They will have practices before VBS. Be available for kickoff and commandment.
Snacks - will help put snacks together and service during the week and dinner for commencement.
Photographer & Video - will take pictures throughout the week and put a slide show together for commencement.
Nursery – Keep our babies and toddlers while their parents serve in VBS.

Please pick your size for the t-shirts we will wear through the week.