Women's Ministry Leader & Team
Job Description

The Women’s Ministry director will provide direction and vision and will organize, coordinate and oversee the women’s ministries of this church.  She will help maintain a comprehensive missions program in the church and is responsible for exploring mission opportunities and for keeping the church informed regarding potential and ongoing missions involvement.

Ministry Area/Department:Ministry Groups
Position: Women’s Ministry Leader & Team
Accountable To: Pastor
Ministry Target: Women
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: Stable, mature Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Teaching * Administration
Talents or Abilities Desired: Able to relate well with other people * Creative * Good organizational skills
Best Personality Traits: Leader * Dependable
Passion For: Ministering to women and providing opportunities for women to minister through the church

1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: two to four hours a month

a.Participate in special events and activities for women.
b.Plan special trips to inspirational events for women.
c.Provide training opportunities for women leaders in the church.
d.Pray regularly for the women of the church.
e.Act as a liaison between the women’s ministries and the pastor.
f.Develop a women’s ministries budget to present to the appropriate committee each year.
g.Oversee the distribution of funds for women’s ministries and keep track of budget expenditures.