youth small group Leader

The youth worker must be prepared to teach for the youth minister when necessary and assist with keeping watch over the flock and coordinating class functions. The youth worker is expected to teach, reach and minister to members and prospects under the direction of the youth minister.

Ministry Area/Department: Ministry Groups
Position: Youth Small Group Leader
Accountable To: Youth Minister
Ministry Target: Teens
Position Is: Volunteer
Position May Be Filled By: Church member
Minimum Maturity Level: Stable, maturing Christian
Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding * Serving * Exhortation
Talents or Abilities Desired: Able to communicate well with teens * Able to allow someone else to lead, but willing to take the lead when necessary
* Knowledge of God’s Word * Good role model
Best Personality Traits: Dependable
Passion For: Discipling teens * Providing support for other leaders

1.Anticipated Time Commitments
a.Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: One to three hours a week

a.Participate in teacher meetings and training opportunities.
b.Be available to lead the class in the youth minister’s absence.
c.Assist youth minister with preparing materials for class: handouts, props, supplies, etc.
d.Distribute handouts or other instructional material.
e.Pray for class members and visitors.
f.Promote spiritual growth and unity among class members.
g.Greet and encourage students.